Sculpting a Clay Community
Our Covid 19 Policy
As we continue to live and work with Covid 19, the staff at ClayWorx Studios strive to maintain a safe and healthy creative environment.
In line with the CDC, State and local government regulations, face masks are recommended but not required*. If you choose to wear a mask it should be properly worn (covering nose and mouth).
*If the regulations change, we will act immediately to reflect that change.
Classes are maximum of 11 people. Everyone will respect the social distancing rule. Please be respectful of that distance when using the sink area and glazing areas.
Everyone will be mindful of high trafficked areas including the restrooms.
Where possible, students are to supply their own tools, aprons and towels. If you use studio supplies, please clean them thoroughly and return to their original space.
Students will be responsible for thoroughly cleaning their workspace - wheels, and common areas of the studio – plaster bats, wedging table – at the end of a studio session.
If you are sick, please stay home. For the safety and protection of everyone around you. If you have been exposed to Covid and are testing negative, or are post Covid quarantine, please continue to wear a mask for the regulation period of time per CDC guidelines.
We realize this can be challenging, but by working together we will will continue to be a strong, caring and creative community. It’s our goal to keep everyone safe and still have a fun and productive time together!
Thank you - See you in the studio!